Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life is A Verb

I am feeling this tremendous surge of life force running through me lately. The ebb and flow of inspiration is just awesome in every sense of the word. I have had huge undeniable urges to create and express myself through many art forms and mediums. I am really attracted to certain things that have just been jumping out at me. Colors, sounds, smells, textures, tastes EVERYTHING! It's such an amazing feeling! I truly feel on the verge of something truly wonderful! For so long I never could pin point what I specifically wanted to do with my life. I had so many interests and passions and felt as if I could never narrow it down. It is so nice to feel things become clearer. Like crystal clear water baby! WHOOOO! :D I want to CREATE and to CONNECT! Create something from my soul and connect with others through passions and joy of life! It literally makes me want to run down the street shouting, it makes me so excited! I feel as if I have done so much excavating and been on this soul journey of discovery for quite sometime and it feels like my authentic self is truly shining! I am listening to my inner wild woman wisdom! :) And it's beautiful. The goddess in me is singing! YAY!

So here are a few things that have been lighting my internal inferno lately :D Enjoy!

This woman and her mixed media marvelousness!

Kelly Rae Roberts! Please visit her blog at this address.

Studio spaces! eeek! Yay! also Kelly Rae Roberts!

storefronts that I imagine could one day be my own store :)

Style/Vibe (all Free People related)

Living Space

Love.Love.Love. <3

Oh and just for good measure, here's a gushy picture I came across the other day of my Lu-Lu.

Blessings to all.