Friday, May 21, 2010

Take a deep breath in, exhale and trip and fall on your face :)

Do you ever feel like you are trying to ride the ebb and flow of the tide but you just can't quite catch the wave? That's kind of where I am at right now. I am a fairly novice practitioner of yoga but have a deep desire to become truly proficient at it one day and possibly teach it. So I have been practicing...everyday. And I enjoy it immensely! But I notice some days that my sense of balance and my center is thrown and during balance postures, I have a hard time, wobbling and falling out of poses that are most days easy or fairly easy to hold. I try again, focusing myself, finding my center, rooting into the ground and breathing but still there is that annoying wobble in my standing leg. But I continue to persevere and push forward through the motions until the end regardless of my trouble with control and my "monkey mind" when my thoughts run wildly.

No I am not a perfect yogini. I don't think I will ever be, and that's perfectly fine with me. But I would like to strive to be better at my practice and to one day have enough experience to hopefully teach. I would love to help others bring happiness, joy and balance into their lives, and I feel that want stems from me needing my own balance, and joy and happiness dose as well. :)

Okay now for a question for all you yoga practitioners out there or just for those of you who have an opinion you would like to share on this. Lately the muscles in my neck, on either side feel extremely tense and stressed for no reason at all. I am not flexing them or straining them but yet they remain rigid. And I have a really hard time relaxing them. Do you know the feeling when you feel like you are about to cry and the muscles in your face kind of that. I do not know if it is anxiety, and if it is, how can I remedy it? If anyone would like to weigh in that would be WONDERFUL!

Hopefully I can continue to progress on my yoga journey and in a few years be the one on the other end giving the advice on how to relax and de stress! :)

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