I wanted to share a few things I have been sitting with for the last few days.
I think every mother (and probably every father) at one point or another tries to be "SuperMom" or "SuperDad". Trying to do the right thing, say the right thing, feed your child the right thing, use the right 'gentle parenting' methodology, discipline gently but firmly, all the while trying to keep a spotlessly clean house and fashionably dressed and have all your ducks in a row. You feel constantly like you are on a treadmill you can't get off.
At least that's the way I tend to feel from time to time. Then a realization, a rememberance comes out of the fog and whispers...
"just let go Jess..."
Stop trying to be and JUST BE. Stop trying to make your life into anything and just LIVE IT.
Enjoy it. Take deep breaths. Delight in every bite of food you take. Dance with your daughter to the radio. Read your favorite books until you fall asleep at night. Kiss your husband and feel all those butterflies you felt the first time you kissed him.
This is somehting that I have been working with today and just thought that I would share it.
You hold the key to your happiness. The only person standing in your way is you.
Mantra of the day:
I am releasing control.
I am letting go and letting it be.
I am the light. I am the love. I am the flow.
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