Wednesday, February 22, 2012

All Good Things.

A hand painted sign I did in my craft room to remind me what is important.

I have been planning an update for a while now but a round of the tummy-ickys have had us cuddled up with saltines and ginger ale all week. But seeing as we are on the mend, I figured now was as good a time as any to slap an update together :).

My husband just recently updated his phone to a "Droid" (I think that's what it is called...I don't know cell phones :) ) and gifted me with his disconnected Iphone. Me not being the techie type was uber excited about several Apps, the most exciting being, Instagram. Let's just say I have been going Instagram crazy for the last 2 weeks! It makes it really easy to take daily pictures of the simple ordinary moments that I wouldn't normally grab my big camera to capture. Little moments that would've gotten lost in the sands of time. It's amazing when you look back through photos that you have taken how the little moments are some of the most hear tugging. So without further ado, here is my last week in Instagram snap shots. Enjoy

C'est Moi.

watercolor. where I'm meant to be.

sittin' and spinnin'

From my Valentine.

afternoon light.

precious moment captured.


Small precious moments. These are the ones that make you realize that all life is just that. Moments. Gratitude for those moments. And I am very grateful. Even in this "not feeling so good" time, I am grateful. Because it will pass and life will pick up again. This has forced us to slow down and be present here and now. Taking a deep breath and drinking it all in.

Blessings and hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!

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