Do you actively pursue your passions?
That is a thought that has been running around in my head lately. I made a list of things that I am passionate about, and some of it actually surprised me. I have a hard time focusing sometimes, and I feel as if I have all these ideas just bursting to be put down on paper or worked into existence but I just can't get them from my brain and into a creative medium. So I just sit down, grab a sheet of paper and a pen and scratch out my ideas and what I want to have apart of my life. Do you ever feel like certain things in your life are just absolutely necessary, or should be necessary and you may have let them fall to the wayside for a while until suddenly your rediscover them and you wonder why you ever let yourself forget them? I have been having revelations of that kind as of late. I think this year is going to be dubbed, "the year of the transformations" :). I don't want to fall into the same old pattern of seeing others go after what they want and feeling like it's too far out of reach for me. I am tired of idly sitting by when I could be pursuing my passions, in one way shape or form. Even if a great many of them become only just hobbies, I want each and everyone of them to be apart of my life because they are reflections of my authentic self, and to deny that would be to deny my heart.
What are your passions? And are you going after what you want and experiencing them with joy everyday or at least every chance you get? Go after what you want! Cultivate your happiness!
My passions:
-Expression through art of many different forms
-photography and learning to process and develop my own film
-DANCING! Not as a career but just for the love of it. My body has been stagnant for far too long. I get this feeling of inner warmth and light, a high and a giddiness from dancing that I get from nothing else. Expressing myself with my body to music in such a way that words could never describe. I LOVE IT.
-Painting. For so long this was a forgotten passion of mine. I took many art classes all through school but, I chalked myself up as a mediocre artist because I was rough around the edges, in my classical artistic expression. But I am now discovering so many new and different ways to paint and that it doesn't all have to be inside the lines. It's such a freeing feeling to be able to create my own version of art and feel like it's just as it should be. Free.
-Writing. My first passion and my first love other than dancing. It was the thing I always wanted to do, to pursue as a career. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't write. Poems, short stories, journaling, blogging, EVERYTHING, ANYTHING. The written word is so powerful. I hope to one day write a book. Not quite sure about what yet, but I feel that the wheels are slowly but surely beginning to turn in the right direction and I feel like when I'm ready, I'll know.
-Herbalism and Alternative Medicine. I have always had a passion for things that grow. And discovering Herbalism and homeopathic, alternative medicine is something very near to my heart. My love of nature combined with my desire for health and helping others drives me to want to become a Master Herbalist. My mother suffers from chronic pain on a daily basis due to fybromialgia, chronic fatigue, and is bi-polar. My father at the young age of 53 was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and is now progressively become a candidate for a deep brain surgery that would be very risky but possibly very beneficial to controlling this often times debilitating condition. I want to try all the options and ways I can to help them live better, fuller lives as much to their abilities. To able to alleviate or help in even some small way would mean the world to me.
-Feminism, Women's Studies, and connecting and helping other women with self esteem, self confidence, and self love. One of the main reasons that this is so important to me is because it is something that I struggle with myself. You know the saying, "those who can't do, teach"? well, it is a struggle daily for me to be self confident, and self loving, BUT it is something that I am working towards, and I have a great passion for counseling other women and girls in this arena. I want to help other people, other women and young girls find the power and beauty within themselves and in turn discover that it lies within myself as well. I hope to one day incorporate this area into my life in some way, possibly by starting a women's circle or group.
Well those are my passions. Find yours. Live your dreams. Pursue your passions. Don't sit idly by. Live everyday fully and authentically. Don't let one second go by unnoticed. Love and live life rapturously. Radiate and spread love.
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