Hello again!
It feels like it's been forever since I posted last. Life just happens sometimes and leaves no room for blog post-y-ness. :) Layla has not been sleeping well lately. No more 3 hour naps for her! She's been taking about 1 thirty minute nap and maybe 1 one hour nap if I'm lucky. She did better today than the last few days. She took about a 2 hour nap this afternoon and then shockingly went down at her bedtime and is still asleep now. (keeping my fingers crossed that she stays asleep ;) I think it's just a stage shes going through but hopefully it will be one that doesn't last that long.
I have been doing some blog browsing lately, looking for ideas on repurposing, reusing, and recycling objects that you already own, things that you would probably throw in the trash automatically but instead finding new ways to use them. From tin cans, to plastic bottles and jugs, to clothing with holes, or cardboard boxes, you can pretty much find anything on these websites detailing how to use and reuse said materials and decrease the size of the already overflowing landfills, and minimizing your individual carbon footprint :). I consider myself a genuinely healthy, mindful person. I DON'T LITTER. At ALL. And litter bugs bother me to the point of climbing on my soap box over it. I am going to plant a garden again (finally!) this spring as the weather starts to get warmer, I am trying to find alternative uses for my families water bottles (if we ever use them) or just drinking filtered tap water. Issues such as conserving water, and alternative fuel options such as filtered cooking oil as fuel for diesel engine vehicles interests me very much (although sadly we do not own a diesel car...maybe one day so we can give it a try!). I try and purchase organic whenever possible (although not as much as I would like...it can get expensive and we are tight on money) from baby food for my little one, to personal care. I check packaging for preservatives and additives, and that they are cruelty free. I don't drink soda, I eat whole wheat bread almost exclusively ( I live in a household with others who are not so healthfully inclined so sometimes I have to sacrifice lol.), I try and eat as much fresh fruit and veggies as I can convince my husband to fit into our budget. I use Stevia in my coffee and as my sweetener of choice. And water is my best buddy :P. My downfalls include sweet tea ( I am a southern girl at heart...can you really blame me?), the occasional candy bar at the movies, and a rare pit stop at Taco Bell. hah :). I am not entirely strict on myself but do try and make healthy choices when choosing my meal options and trying to incorporate exercise into my week. I usually run or do yoga every other day with a few sessions of P90X extreme home fitness thrown in for good measure.
My reason for all this being is that during my blog browsing sessions, I have come across the folks repurposing items in their lives seem to not only care about the environment but also in what the put into their own bodies, which led me to information on vegetarianism, veganism and a fully raw food diet. Now don't get your knickers in a twist just yet ;) I am not suddenly shunning all meat, and eating just beans from now until forever. But the benefits of a diet that consists of mostly raw food definitely would be of benefit. So I would really like to start incorporating more of those foods into my diet more so than I already do. I can really tell when I have been eating really clean and I throw in a fast food sandwich or something equally as processed, my body just rejects it like food poisoning. I have an upset stomach for the rest of the day. It's funny how when you give your body really what its needing you notice how good you feel as opposed to when you give into too many processed items full of preservatives you notice how they can extremely affect your body and make you sluggish, have indigestion, headaches, even weaken your immune system to the point of contracting that nasty flu virus that just happens to be floating around at the exact wrong time.
While browsing one of my newly favorited blogs, http://www.happyfoody.com/ Sara Janssen and her family document their daily eating habits and recipes, ideas and advice for eating cleaner and living healthier. They also have several other sites to enjoy:
http://www.happyjanssens.com/ that documents their nomadic lifestyle, in their RV and unschooling their two adorable little ones.
http://www.walkslowlylivewildly.com/ a blog of the Janssen clan full of fun pics and informative great posts.
http://www.livelightlytour.com/ another site posted by the fam which I have yet to check out, but will do so soon :).
So if you interested in clean living, becoming an unschooler or just checking out a very interesting family and taking a little peak into their lives, hop on over to any of these sites and take a gander.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised :).
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