It's snowing today.
BIG TIME! Although it's not sticking to the ground the way that I would like, it's coming down fairly abundantly. I truly am just about ready for the last few cold weather days to be gone, considering it's the second day of March and I hail from the deep south, you would think that would be true by now and we'd be on our way to springtime. But not to be seen as of yet. We've had a few nice days here and there but we've had more snow this year than we've had in a long while. It's truly beautiful watching it fall out the window. When you stand outside you can just hear the quiet. The soft hush as it falls, coating cars, trees, everything it touches. The world just seems to slow down. Everyone seems to walk a little slower looking around at the wondrous white flakes flowing down to the earth. Whether they are rushing into the grocery store to get those few last minute supplies to stock up on in case we get "snowed in" :). It's one of those days that you wish you could just curl up on a big, fluffy, overstuffed couch, a warm cozy blanket thrown over you, a cup of warmth in your hands, a fire place roaring and crackling and a stack of good books that you have been meaning to get lost in but just now have finally carved out the time. It's so peaceful. I just want to slow down and savor every wonderful minute of my day.
I have been on a strict schedule of exercise since about the end of January and my goal is set for 90 days to work out for an hour a day (at least) on the P90X program. I did fairly well for the first 30 days, only missing 3 days but making them up promptly, and following a nutrition plan. But in the last 2 weeks my husband has had a short term deployment to Japan and him coming home as always was an adjustment in our schedules (considering at his location he was about 14 hours ahead of our time). My daughter had been teething during his absence with her first set of teeth which made her super cranky, and then my mother passed on a lovely cold/sinus infection to me which I am still feeling the effects from. Not to mention during said teething week we had to take Layla (my daughter) to the doctor for her 6 month check up and to receive 5 shots... needless to say she was not happy with us. My point in all this describing is that during that week of life insanity, I decided to take it easy and not jump right back into my workouts, as I was about to enter stage 2 of the program. I wanted to be up to par and give my body a chance to recuperate. As that's all well and good, my body definitely had a hard time getting back into the intense required hour or more workout that I attempted to complete this morning. During the workout my muscles struggled to keep up, during the weightlifting and push ups of the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps routine my arm muscles felt like pure jelly. I tried to push through each and every move as best as my body would let me but it truly kicked my but. Tony Horton's (the creator of P90X) motto is "Do Your Best and Forget the Rest" and I did the best I could considering the circumstances. I didn't meet the normal goals I set for myself today because I generally try and push myself to try for just a little more when I feel like I can only eek out one more. But that's okay because I feel like I at least TRIED. But on the downside, post workout I felt very dizzy and shaky and my sinus issues seemed to be returning. I think I underestimated the severity of the cold that I endured and the effect it had on my entire body. So after loading up with a few allergy and sinus meds, some vitamins and some juice. my daughter finally napping, I crawled into bed for about 2 hours for some very rejuvenating snooze time.
My question is...should I continue to push myself on days, like today that I feel still not quite well or should I let myself rest and recuperate until I feel 100% again? I checked the forums and some said to take it easy and some said to try and push through it if you felt like you could, just lower intensity. So it's kind of a toss up. Not sure if I should continue tomorrow pushing or take a few more days to get back to myself. Let me know what you all think, advice would be greatly appreciated.
I enjoy the workout program and setting a goal to attain for myself but at the same time I don't want that to be what I am all about. I do not have a specific goal image or weight that I am trying to achieve but am trying to see what my body is capable of on such a rigorous program. I feel like I want to do my best to achieve balance in working on my body, my soulpath, my spirit and my life journey with my family. Because a great deal of the time those things can fall to the wayside due to every day living and giving to others. It's been such a blessing to finally feel like the ice is dissipating and my heart, my passion is returning. I am remembering things that I loved and why I loved them. Music, artists, books, writers and activities that I had just let fall away over time I am rediscovering them and they bring me such joy. Joy and fueling a passion that I had somehow forgotten. It's reawakening my desire to work for myself and make my love of art and expression something that I hope to turn into a forum of supporting my family and nurturing my heart and soul. My dream is to each night go to sleep knowing that I lived each day to it's fullest capacity and spread love and joy and happiness in my path with myself and others. And to be kind to myself. Treat myself with the love and respect that I deserve.
So whether I do or don't take a few more days for myself to rejuvenate my soul and my body, whatever I choose will be the right path for me. Whatever feels right in my soul.
I wish you all a wonderfully precious day, and I hope you take the time out to appreciate the small things, be kind to yourself and take care no matter where you are.
Brightest Blessings and Love.
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