My thoughts are all ajumble today from all the craziness of the last few days. We celebrated Layla's 1st Birthday on Sunday, August 8th :).
It makes me sad in a way. For all the little moments that I will never get back. She will never be an infant again. She will grow older and grow up into a little girl, into a teenager, into a woman. And there is nothing that I can do to keep her my precious baby forever. But I love each and every moment that I get to spend with her. It is truly a blessing to have her for my daughter. My heart is full and overflowing with love for her. I am so blessed.
Here are some pictures I took of my beautiful girl a few days before her birthday, enjoy...

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away..."
i absolutely drink in every comment you leave on my site. you are so present with what i share and then tenderly, gently offer up wisdom and encouragement and support. you. are. beautiful. thank you...xo