Oh boy and snow it did.

About 12 inches worth. The most snow I believe I have ever seen on the ground here in the upstate. Except for pictures of me as a baby, in my toboggan up to my knees in snow. Funny, now we have almost duplicate pictures of Layla in the snow with a toboggan on. I'll have to hunt that picture of me down and upload it.
It sure was beautiful. There is still ice and slushy spots to be had but most of it has moved on.

I have been feeling a bit tender as of late. I am not sure why. My emotions seem to be on full volume and I am having trouble balancing them. Yoga is helping tremendously. I feel so centered and grounded afterward. I am really happy to be getting back into my practice. I need to trust. Trust in the Great Spirit. Trust in myself. Feel my inner strength, at my core. I feel the desire to be seen right now, but to be seen and regarded gently. This week, if the mood so strikes you, reach out to someone. Even if its just a hand to hold or a hug. Let those you love, friends and family alike know that you are there for them no matter if they just need a quiet support from a distance, an understanding nod of "I know what you are going through". You never know how much that could brighten someone's day.

Blessings, love and light to you all, and have a wonderful week.
All that snow is insane, I love the way it looks.