Layla. Cooler than cool.
I know I am being a "bad blogger", and not being as regular as I would like posting blogs about my daily goings on. And I do promise to put more effort into carving out time to do this. It truly is therapeutic for me, even though I don't think many people read all this, that was never what it was about anyway. I've been feeling a little "adrift" lately. That's the only way I know to describe it. I feel like a kite on a windy day. I feel this tremendous need for grounding and focus but it's just eluding me. Have you ever felt like you are trying to do a million things at once and not doing any of those things to the best of your ability? Yea. That's right about how I feel. I am working to amend this, all the while honoring where I am at right now. I am doing what I call "my therapy". It's sort of a crash course in soul nourishing, that I have set up for myself. It involves a lot of journaling, self accountability to my yoga practice, speaking positively to myself and those around me, crafting, and soul painting.
Not quite sure how long this process will last. But I hope to come out of it more actualized, calm, and grounded in myself.
Taking time to cherish the little moments, the precious spaces between. Which I will update and post about soon.
My husband's birthday is also this week.
25 years old.
It's hard to believe. We've grown from naive youngsters getting in way over our heads to going on 5 years of marriage with a little spritely fairy girl in tow. I plan to make him a birthday card this year and hopefully something else special. I'm sure he being so techno savvy gets weary of my humble hand made gifts, but I think they touch his secretly sappy heart.
It's funny how love can mold and change your soul, and how age and experience can change your perspective on the truly important things in life. I've found in my short almost 25 years that it's just this.
Live simple.
Show kindness.
Give love.
Be grateful.
I promise to return and post again soon, until then blessings to anyone who happened by here.
I'm feeling the same way these days! I love blogging, but after sitting down and workig on my new etsy shop, and editing pictures for my etsy shop, and editing pictures for my photography job, I just don't want to sit at my computer anymore. I want to get out there and run and enjoy the weather and LIVE.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you on your break. Hope it refreshes us both.
Yes I hope that the little hiatus will help us both tremendously. Take care girl! Hope you're having an awesome month :)