one of my favorite pictures to remind me to lighten up! bwahahah.
1. Discovering over and over again, that I am being looked after by something much greater than myself. Pure love.
2. "Life is too sweet to be bitter." fave quote of the week (not sure who where it's from)
3. That there are individuals out there in the world, that are seeking joy, inner peace and living like they mean it just like me!
4. How the powers that be, gently nudge me when I start to forget myself, my beautiful authenticty, and if that doesn't work, they rough me up a little for good measure ;).
5. Nourishing literature that is full of things that are exactly what I need right now.
6. Moving my body whether in through downward dog, with a colorful hoop spinning round my middle, chasing my little girl all over the house, or dancing in my undies while getting dressed for the day, being in my skin and appreciating every scar, every dimple, every stretch mark because they all tell the story of who I am. Of where I've been. Of me.
7. Simple everyday life. My daughters giggles, the smell of my husbands t shirts, the window rolled down singing along to the radio, wind in my hair
8. Realizing as the end of a VERY exhausting week, that looking back, through all the daily ups and downs, I AM BLESSED.
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